The educational project is a strategic tool through which Ste Adele Elementary School has defined its policy orientations, priority actions, and expected results to inform its community in this regard, with a view to ensuring educational success for all students regardless of age. This educational project reflects the characteristics and needs of the students who attend Ste Adele Elementary School, as well as the community’s expectations with regard to education.
Within the context of results-based management, the educational institution has developed an educational project that includes challenges, orientations, objectives, indicators and targets. It shares this project with the education community and the population. Once this has been done, the educational institution can devise an action plan.
As part of this action plan, the educational institution determines, for each action selected, the target groups, person(s) in charge, terms and conditions of implementation, the resources that will be devoted to it and the means of evaluation. The action plan makes it possible to monitor the implementation of the various actions and provides stakeholders with an opportunity to work together toward a common goal.
This tool is intended to support the school or centre team in developing its action plan.